Click here to return to the 'Unlock hidden features within Stickies' hint |
Jun 23, 2020 Next, you have to use your favorite photo editing app to change the color of the copied files. I’m going to use my all-time favorite Photoshop. You can simply choose the paint bucket tool and hit the transparent box to add color to it. Make sure to use the same color for all the files.
- Mar 30, 2013 To change the color of a sticky note, first select the note, then choose a color from the Color menu. You can even make the note translucent by first selecting it, then choosing Note.
- Jun 08, 2019 Customizing Stickies You can go through the menu option to change the color, keep the sticky note on top and zoom the size. Alternatively, right click on the Stickies to view various options for changing orientation, sharing the notes, changing color, etc. Customize Stickies App in Mac.
- Mar 06, 2013 With me recently acquiring a MacBook Air, like any geek, I tried to find any ways in which to make it better. And I’ve found a way to make the display on mine even better. We all know how great the screens are on Mac machines, but this little hack can make some MacBook Air screens sharper, add more contrasts and generally make it better.
After you check the feature(s) that you are interested in using, please save the document. Don't worry, all your changes are reversible in case you want to change back. In most cases when you save, the file will make a backup copy of itself. So there are no worries.
I also wrote a script that will help you navigate to the document of interest. If you run this script, it will take you to the Stickies window. From there,you will just have to click on the window Stickies and you will see the show info panel change to 'NSTextView Info' Just follow the rest of the hint in the original post from there.
To run the script use will need to make sure that you have 'Enable access for assistive devices check' in the Universal Access Pane of System Preference. You may also have to change the property myfile location if you have your hard drive named something other than 'Macintosh HD'
property myfile : 'Macintosh'
tell application 'Interface Builder'
open myfile
end tell
tell application 'System Events'
tell application process 'Interface Builder'
click menu item 'Show Info' of menu 'Tools' of menu bar item 'Tools' of menu bar 1
perform action 'AXRaise' of window 'Stickies'
end tell
end tell
This info worked great for making auto-hidden scroll bars under 10.3.5. But I upgraded to 10.3.6 and now my Stickies won't expand from the single-line/collapsed window. And of course I overwrote the orignal backup *.nib file, so no going backwards for me.
Anyone know where I can download from??
That's funny, I upgraded to 10.3.6 and I didn't have any problems. My stickies still work as advertised. You can probably find the original on your installation cd.
This one threw me for a loop as the options he mentioned didn't seem to be there till I realized one important thing: You need to CLICK INSIDE the 'stickies window' which then highlights around the inside of the window. Then SHIFT-COMMAND-I works as advertised.
Cool tip, thanx!
If your language is not English, you have to do the same operations in your xxxx.lproj folder (e.g. (for italian): Contents -> Resources -> Italian.lproj -> StickiesDocument.nib), but...
...Interface builder will refuse to open that nib.
That's because the foreign nibs of Stickies are not complete. If you open them as packages, you'll see that the English nib has two more files in it: classes.nib and info.nib. As these files are common for all languages, they are present only in the English.lproj package.
The solution is simple:
1 - open your xxxx.lproj->StickiesDocument.nib as a package
2 - open the English.lproj->StickiesDocument.nib package
3 - Copy (copy, do not MOVE) the two missing file from the English package to your language package.
4 - Now you can use Interface Builder with your localized StickiesDocument.nib file
When you've finished editing it's your choice to remove or not the two added files (you can leave them inside your .lproj, they're innocuous).
Welcome in the wonderful world of Cocoa! ;-)
This is hardly a hint, more of a 'my-first-Interface-Builder-tutorial'...
I would have to respectfully disagree with you. It is not obvious that these features exist to the average users. Maybe to an expert this is obvious.
Come on, scroll bars for stickies, what normal user though this was possible? Let along how to get to the nib file to make this functional.
Even in apple's own words for in the help section (search for the word scroll), they write, 'Sticky notes do not have scroll bars. To scroll, use the arrow keys or the Page Up and Page Down keys.'
So therfore I consider it a hint. Rob's considers it a hint as well otherwise he would not have posted it.
I'm not quite sure if this is as much of a hidden feature as a nib hack. Basically what you're doing is editing the nib file and changing the attributes. You could add buttons to the nib files that do undo and such. You could theoretically do just about anything with the nib files with any Cocoa application, but it might mess up the program.
Mac in some foreign language means holy.
Speaking of messing up the program, I don't think I fiddled with anything but what was discussed here on this thread, but Stickies won't open now, it just gives me that generic application failed messsage and prompts for a report to Apple.
Where is the file that contains the contents of my stickies? I'd REALLY like to back that up, unless of course, its too late.
try restarting your computer. If that doesn't work, just use your backup nib file. One should be saved by defaults.
Hmm, I did restart but it didn't solve anything. How do I load the default? As I'm sure you know there's a file called 'StickiesDefaultDatabase' in the 'English.lproj' directory; is this what you're talking about?
hmmm. Before you proceed, make sure that you have quit out of the stickies application:
navigate to the following:
Contents. Navigate to Contents -> Resources -> English.lproj ->
There should be two files there. One file is called
StickiesDocument.nib (current file) and the other file is called StickiesDocument~.nib (backup file).
Rename the StickiesDocument.nib to something like StickiesDocument.backup
Rename the StickiesDocument~.nib to StickiesDocument.nib
quit and save and restart stickies and see what happens.
Yea, I tried this. Didn't remedy the problem. Where I can I get the original *.nib file?
If you saved your NIB file more than once during the original modification, the backup will have been overwritten with the previous edited version, so the original version will be gone.
In that case, the only way would be to copy the Stickies application from another installation :(
This is what I did.
I'm going to have to reinstall Stickies then.
Is there a way to reinstall stickies outside of reinstalling OSX?
Maybe somebody would be willing to e-mail me their original .nib file?
Is there a way to save the stickies I have written? Where is this file/ are these files, anyone?
That should be safely within your Library folder, IIRC. Next time you launch a working Stickies application, they'll come back. (Unless one of the pooched applications overwrote something, but I can't imagine that that kind of pooching took place.)
How about :P
'There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.' Frank Zappa'
Any way to stop the pop-up window showing the stickies' creation and modification date from showing up when you mouse over a stickie? This 'feature' is driving me crazy.
Once the StickiesDocument.nib is open, I highlight the window icon and then choose tools | show info. The window that then pops up is StickiesWindow Info which has Attributes underneath. I did not see NSTextView Info. (also did not see the scrollbar option)
Anyway, I made some changes and now I've managed to lose my DragBar. Ideas?
Sync Mac Stickies
You are almost there. Instead of clicking on the window named StickiesDocument.nib. Click inside the window named Stickies. When you click inside the window named Stickies, the show info box will change to NSTextView Info where you will see the hidden features
This wonderful hint only created a vertical scroll bar. is there a way to get a horizontal scrill bar as well?
Sticky Notes Mac
Unfornately, I don't know how to create a vertical scroll bars. Maybe someone else knows how to do this, but it will require a deeper hack than I am probably capable of doing.