Chris Seibold Mac Hacks

Chris Seibold Mac Hacks

OiReilly announced Thursday The Big Book of Apple Hacks, a collection of hacks for Apple hardware, including Macs, iPods, and iPhones. Written by Chris Seibold of Apple Matters, and is intended to help people who wish to get the most out of their Apple products do so.

'One of my favorite hacks is from a contributor (Rich Lefko),' Mr. Seibold said in a statement. 'After he left a job he wanted to keep his work data (he used a PC at work) without having to buy a Windows PC. Richis hack was brilliant. He discovered a way to swap out the hard drive of the MacBook and install the hard drive from work and boot into Windows. So now, on the rare occasions he wants a Windows machine, he just switches out the drive in his MacBook.'

Mar 22, 2013  Mac Hacks ($19.99 e-book, $24.99 print, $27.49 combo) by Chris Seibold is packed with fun and useful OS X-themed tips for anyone looking for non-obvious ways to get more from their Mac. Chris Seibold is an engineer, writer, and cartoonist residing in Knoxville, Tennessee. As an engineer, he has tackled such diverse processes as powder coating and hot dog casing manufacture. As a writer, he has focused on computing and written for a variety of online and traditional media, including serving as Senior Contributing Editor for the Apple Matters web site and contributing hacks to.

According to OiReilly, other Mac-related hacks include:

  • Optimize your operating system, whether you have Mac OS X Leopard or Tiger
  • Customize the applications that come with Mac OS X, including Mail, Safari, Dashboard, and the iLife suite
  • Tweak system and device settings in minutes with Quick Hacks
  • Protect your data with backups and keep your secrets by tightening security
  • Run Windows and other operating systems on your Mac

Chris Seibold Mac Hacks Download has more information on the iPod, Apple TV, and iPhone-related aspects of the book. The Big Book of Apple Hacks is priced at US34.99 ($23.09 -