New for 2015 After many years, I'm now officially stopping development for bvhacker, at least in it's current form. I am slowly moving my virtual world activities over to High Fidelity now, and am building an integrated animation editor within the HighFidelity client (Interface). There may come a point where bvhacker's codebase becomes useful for High Fidelity animation tasks, but for now, it. The BV:Miner-T is a dangerous security threat. If the Avast, AVG or other antivirus software detects this threat, then it means that a malware get installed on your machine. In many cases, the BV:Miner-T virus come bundled with the installers from a free hosting and file sharing web-sites.
Bvhacker Mac And Cheese
Actually, it might be written on Mac. This has to do with the EOL or 'End Of Line'. On Mac the EOF is CR. Unix / Linux is LF. However, in Win it is CR / LF ..
I do not think the problem is that, easily solvable with Notepad ++, a free software. We only need to activate in View / show simbol / End of line .. In that case, go to menu / edit / EOL conversion ... and save.
The main problem of bvh, is its extreme precision, about 6 decimals .. Something redundant for these cases.
The general problem is that they exceed 2048 characters per line. This is a problem derived from Ms-Dos, etc. I'm not going to get too much into the MaxLength attribute.
If we look at Bvhacker's open source, we see the following:
// while (len 0) {
BOOL success = pFile-> ReadString (* line);
if (! success) return false;
* line-> TrimRight ();
* line-> TrimLeft ();
if (line-> GetLength ()> 2048)
AfxMessageBox (_T ('Problem with file: was the file saved using Mac line endings?'), MB_ICONSTOP);
return false;
return true;
You can see this at where is your source code, inside BVHFile.cpp .. It is open source under GNU.
Bvhacker Mac Pro
I'm remaking the program to accept that higher limit (very simple thing for those who know something about C ++, but I guess, is not the largest user ..)
I'll expose it to its time ... (Be patient ...)
I wrote a script in Perl (Oh, no! That weird language that only works for text like CGI, etc.)
This is the code to use. (Copy, paste in a notepad as text ... and save as '' ... (For example .. to your taste ..)
If we already have this in a file, Perl should be installed.
I use this:
Normally, Perl is added to the Path, but it must be ensured ..
Once this is done, we paste the extension files bvh to a folder, and the Perl script. Be careful with this, since it is irreversible. With a Command Prompt, we execute the command inside the folder. Like 'C: / conversion / Perl', or just ''
This will 'remove grease' from the bvh, creating a new xxx.bvh to xxx.bvh.bvh, totally acceptable in Bvhacker, without loss of quality.
@files = <*.bvh>;
foreach $file (@files) {
open (OLD, $file) || die 'CouldnĀ“t open $file: $!n';
open (NEW, '>$file.bvh') || die 'CouldnĀ“t open $file.bvh: $!n';
while (<OLD>) {
$line = $_;
if (/Normal/) { while (<OLD>) { last if /}/; } $line => '; }
if (/normalIndex/) { while(<OLD>) { last if /[]]/; } $line = '; }
$line =~ s/[-+]?[0-9].[0-9]+e[+-][0-9]+/0/g;
$line =~ s/([-+]?[0-9]+.[0-9]{2})[0-9]+/$1/g;
$line =~ s/0.00/0/g;
$line =~ s/[ ]+/ /g;
$line =~ s/[t]+/ /g;
$line =~ s/^ //g;
print NEW $line;
close OLD;
unlink ($file);
close NEW;
Just the code, not the lines!!